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The visual representation created for this duo's artistic endeavor evokes emotions through a simple but impactful series of motion and still images. These images enhance the meaning and message behind the duo's musical compositions, which address the issues of economic and social inequalities as well as violence in our society. The use of artisanal printing techniques and attention to detail heightens the emotional impact of the work. Our team was able to produce substantial visual content for social media platforms within a limited budget, showcasing creativity and production expertise. The end-result is a visually striking and emotionally charged series of images that effectively conveys the message of the duo's music.
Visual identity for Reel Collective, a community striving to explore queer topics and marginalized groups through film. Branding included logo design, merchandise concepts and a responsive web design. The idea behind Reel Collective is to provide a space where people can share and experience films that focus on either marginalized or minority based themes, specifically queer identities, topics and directors. This collective believes that film is a great tool to connect people and spark conversation in a safe space that surrounds peripheral topics. It’s an art form that can allow us to engage in experiences that we ourselves may not normally be privy to or understand fully and it can help us to better understand others and the world around us in a different context.